Sunday, July 5, 2009

Newsletter July-September 2009

Canandaigua American Legion Post #256
Newsletter July 2009- September 2009
454 North Main Street
Canandaigua, New York 14424
Legion News
from Tom Irland, Commander

Congratulations to our new officers for the upcoming Legion year: Commander Bob Fredericks, First Vice Commander Dick Milton, Second Vice Commander Irene Madru, Third Vice Commander Norma Weissend, Adjutant Fran Bucher and Finance Officer Dan Bresnan. I would also like to congratulate our new Ontario County Commander, Jerry Luzum. I wish all of you success in the upcoming Legion Year.

I would like to thank everyone who has helped Post 256 for the past two-and-one half years while I served as Commander. We have made some strong progress in a number of areas. We never could have done it without the support of the entire LEGION FAMILY. Our membership stands at 442 paid members, two over our goal or 100.45%. This was a great Post effort and along with 4 other Posts in Ontario County which achieved 100% of their membership goal, boosted the County to 4th in the Department at 100.35%.

Celebrate our country’s Freedom for the past 233 years.

For God and Country, Tom Irland.

Ontario County Legion Officers for 2009-10
In addition to the Post Officers, Ontario County elected Jerry Luzum as Commander, Don Springer First Vice Commander, Gary Finnerty Second Vice Commander and Don Hergenroder Third Vice Commander. Jack Clancy will serve as the Seventh District Commander.

Continuous Membership
On June 7th, 2008, Canandaigua Post 256 held an awards ceremony for continuous membership. This ceremony honored 6-25 year continuous members: Arthur Andrews, Charles (Al) Bender, John Bennett, Alex Goncarobs, Jimmie Selders and Noel Wido. The 8-30 year honorees were: Greg Bennett, Albert (Cy) Carlson, Louis Colunio, Philip Pelerite, Ron Phillips, Donald Raw, James Scheele and John West. The 3-35 year members were Louis Madru, Ralph Salato,and Dennis Cunningham. There were 9-40 year members: Paul Alford, Thomas Edgar, Howard Ertel, Dan Johnson, James Johnson, Joseph Jung, Robert McDonald, John Moran and Richard Rivet. We were honored to have 4-50 year members: Robert Hunt, Charles Twitchell, Joseph Watson and Richard Woodams and 2-55 year members, James Liberatore and Robert Mulheron. By the way, 50 year members Robert Hunt and Charles Twitchell attended as did the 2-55 year members James Liberatore and Robert Mulheron. Commander Tom Irland assisted Irene Madru with the awards. A light lunch followed the ceremony. Chef Dave Schaefer did a wonderful job with the lunch and cake. Out of 32 honorees, 14 were able to attend. The RSVP response wasn’t up to par! When the invitation letter states RSVP by a certain date, it is meant by that date so arrangements can be made for the food count, etc. Many thanks to all who attended.
A special thanks to all who contributed their time behind the scenes; Wayne Inman, Bill Kraft, Deb Flora, Jerry Luzum, Terry Dekouski and Bob Fredricks and anyone else I might have inadvertently missed. And, thank you Irene for all your hard work for coordinating this celebration.

2009 Post 256 Scholarship Winners
by Norma Weissend
The following Canandaigua Academy Seniors were awarded scholarships of $750 each during their Commencement Exercises on June 27, 2009.
James Knapp Scholarship Award: Devan Mizzoni. Devan plans on attending CUNY Hunter College in New York City to study International Relations. Devan maintained a consistent mid-90s average in her History classes and was considered an outstanding student by her American History teacher. She has taken leadership roles in student government. She has also been active with the Girl Scouts.

Sesto Vecchi Scholarship Award: Caitlin VerSchneider. Caitlin’s intended course of study is Secondary Education in Mathematics at Nazareth College in Rochester. Caitlin is a member of the National Honor Society and was active in student government and community service. Her math teacher and counselor have praised her as the one of the finest students they have ever worked with.
The Post wishes Devan and Caitlin much success in their college careers.

Congratulations also to Madison Shoemaker, a fifth grader, who received the American Legion Citizenship Award at a recent Canandaigua Elementary School ceremony.

G. Fred Schutz Memorial
The construction of the memorial is taking shape with completion scheduled for this summer. The memorial consists of three parts: six 20 foot flag poles displaying the six service flags; a granite bench with the memorial inscription for Fred and a 30 foot walkway on which the bench will sit along with a flower urn. The poles and flags are in place and the bench and urn have been delivered. These last two items will be placed as soon as the walkway is finished.

Post Website and E-Mail
We are slowly bringing the Post into the technology of 21st century. The website is almost complete and the e-mail address is getting activity. Because the cost of bulk mail has increased again in May, we would like to make use of these two communication tools to keep our mailing, paper and labor costs down. You will now be able to read your quarterly Post newsletter on-line, either at the website or we can e-mail it to you. If you would like to read it on line or have your newsletter e-mailed to you, please send an e-mail to: and put “Post Newsletter” in the subject line and indicate your desire to read it on line or have it e-mailed to you. In either case we will take you off the mailing list. Visit the Post website at:

American Legion Baseball
Our baseball chairman, Calvin Nichols, will post the schedule of our senior and junior American Legion Baseball teams sponsored by the Post. The home games for the senior team are played at Evans Field, the junior team at Canandaigua Academy Field and are great sports entertainment. As a matter of note, 65% of major league baseball players participated in American Legion Baseball.

Cash Bash
Bob Fredricks has volunteered to chair this event this year. The early bird drawing is August 22nd and the final drawing is September 26th. Please strongly consider buying a ticket for the drawing and dinner. This is a major fundraiser for the Post activities and requires our strong support. Our thanks and appreciation to Bob and all the ticket sellers.

St. Pauly Clothing
Fran Bucher and Dan Bresnan deserve a most sincere thank you and recognition for a job well done for their work at the St. Pauly Clothing Building. Fran accepted the responsibility to coordinate this project nearly 5 years ago in December 2004. Proceeds from this project have brought in some $20,000 since that time. In part, these funds have been used for a scholarship and most recently the tree carving on the Trail of Remembrance. An extra special thanks to Dan who is at the shed nearly every day. Thanks Dan. But we can always use more help. Many hands make light work so we always welcome more workers in this excellent source of money to fund our projects. It takes only a few minutes each day. You can determine the amount of involvement you can afford. Also, when you clean out those closets, bring your usable clothing and shoes to the building in the back parking lot and help fund the Legion projects. Donations are tax deductible.

Help Wanted
Age and infirmity have brought the number of members in our Color Guard and Honor Guard to a dangerously low level. The demand for the services of these two units remains high, especially during the spring, summer and fall with military funerals, parades and dedications. Training will be provided, all we need is your commitment to help. Many times these units provide the Face of the American Legion to a grieving family or the Canandaigua community that line the streets to watch a parade. Call Chuck Pelton at 289-9531 for more information.

Keep This Date
Please mark your calendar and participate in the following event:
Patriot Day Ceremony at the Post 7 PM, 9/11.

New Members
Please extend a warm welcome to our newest members: James Creekmore, Eldon Johnson and Jerome Thompson.

Sick Call
D. B. Coots - Ontario County, Stan Dilloway - Thompson, Ed Dwyer - VAMC, Lou Madru - VAMC, Jim Nenni - Crest Manor, and Gordy Stahl - Conesus Nursing Home.

In Memory
Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Jim Herendeen. Jim served in the Army during WWII and Air Force during the Korean War. He was a Past Post and County Commander and a member for over 25 years. Jim was a mentor to many, especially those who serve(d) in the Honor Guard.

Auxiliary News
from Barb Saar, President
Well, another year is at an end. How fast time went. Everyone has been so busy. Thank you for all our support.
Spring Conference was held in Marion, NY, on June 13, 2009. Attending were Rosemary Luzum, and Sandra Counceller. Also, posting the colors for 7th District were Rose Cornish, Marie Trumbull, Marlene Milton, Barbara Saar and Vickie Milton.
Department Convention will be in Buffalo on July 9 - 11, 2009. Attending will be Barb Saar, Rose Cornish, and Rosemary Luzum.

New Unit Officers for 2009/2010: Barb Saar; President; Rose Cornish 1st Vice President and membership; Deb Peters, 2nd Vice President; Jeanne Stahl, Secretary; Rosemary Luzum, Treasurer; Florence Trumbull, Chaplain and Marie Trumbull, Sergeant-at- Arms. They were installed at the June meeting. Our next meeting will be Sept. 1, 2009 at 2:00 PM at the Post Home. Hope to see everyone there. Have a wonderful summer.

Membership by Rose Cornish
We are about to start a new year of membership “2010 dues” which are still $16.00 and payable to Canandaigua Unit #256, ALA and sent to Rose Cornish at 5555 Purdy Rd., #11, Canandaigua, NY 14424. Members should be receiving a notice from National stating this in August.
Congratulations to the following members who have achieved continuous membership at Canandaigua Unit #256:
5 year: Beulah Heyden, Diane Ertel, Ginny Rice, Linda Savage, Elaine Toomey, Melanie Dutton, Helena Koch, Phaelyn Koch, Joan Merritt
10 year: Helen Mannerberg, Mary Jane Martino and Sharon Meyer.
15 year: Juanita Gorton, Caitlin Kelsey, Christa Kelsey, Jennifer Kelsey, Linda Mancuso, Theresa Thurn, Carol Ellis, and Joyce Bailey.
20 years: Roberta Dillon, Margaret Gillis, Dorothy Waugh and Katherine Senglaub.
25 years: Lorraine Barnes, Janet Andrews, Helen Hurley, Donna Miller and Dora Speers
30 years: Jean Bresnan
35 years: Gerry Moore, Myra Wardwell, and Laura North
40 years: Jacqueline Casey and Helen Wingate
45 years: Rose Cornish, Georgia C. Wagner, Roxanne Gilly, Toni Ferran, Edith Robbins, Elizabeth Mitchell and Lillian Toomey.
50 years: Suzanne Beeman and Eva Pierce
New members were also initiated at this time. Congratulations to Kaylee Bush who received her certificate from Junior member to Senior member. Certificates were presented on June 30th at 7 PM at the Post Home.
Welcome to the following new members with 2010 dues: Delores M. Paddock, Karen E. Wager, Carol A. Roe, and Charlene M. Huber.
Looking forward to seeing you at our meetings. Have a healthy, safe summer!

Deb Dekouski & Debbi Peters, Chairmen

On June 23rd, we held our annual Veterans Picnic at the pavilion at the Post. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and a beautiful breeze. There were 60 Veterans who enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, macaroni salad, salt potatoes, baked beans, fresh fruit cup, pickles, home made cookies and assorted beverages. Each Veteran received a door prize and a great time was had by all.
I would like to thank Marie Trumbull, Florence Trumbull, Rose Cornish, Barb
Saar, Rosemary Luzum, Debbi Peters, Sandy Councellor and whoever else made the delicious cookies. I also want to thank Dave, our caterer and Jessie for all their hard work.
Some of you might have missed seeing some of our Veterans from the Veterans
Club on the first Wednesday for dinner. They have made other arrangements for the summer, but will be returning in September. Bea Plympton, who unselfishly gave of her time at the Veterans Club, passed away in June. She will be sadly missed by many Veterans, family and friends. Bill Burlingame has kindly been opening the Veterans Club Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4 - 7 PM.

75 Club Raffle
Ruth Neilson, Chairman

There may be slots open for this program. Please check with me if you are interested in joining the “75 Club Raffle” sponsored by the Auxiliary. This Raffle helps fund Auxiliary sponsored programs such as Scholarships and Veteran’s activities. Our drawing is the last Thursday of the month at 6PM in the lounge. The winner receives $500, if present, or $250 if not. The raffle is $10/month payable in advance.

Manufacturer Coupons
National Security Chair, Rosemary Luzum.
Thanks to everyone who saves the manufacturers coupons for our military families overseas. During April, May and June, 88 volunteers spent 230 hours so we could send coupons valued at $55,500 to military bases overseas. Please remember, though, Coupons must be no older than three months from the current month. Although the commissaries honor coupons recently expired, only coupons dated May, 2009 or later will still be accepted when they reach the facility overseas. So, bring those coupons in often so they don’t become too old to be usable. I especially appreciate if you are able to cut out the coupons so my mother, Ceil Meier, and I don’t get scissor cramp. I keep track of the hours so include a note of the time this task took.
One of our members assisted in delivering two Blue Star Banners to families of servicemen.

Annual Craft and Bake Sale
The 22nd Annual Craft and Bake Sale will be held Saturday, Nov. 7th, 2009 - 8:30 - 3:00 at Post Home, sponsored by Unit #256 Auxiliary. Anyone interested in a table, contact Rose Cornish, 394-1434. More information to come in next newsletter.

Children and Youth
Sandy Counceller, Chair

The Special People’s Picnic will be July 18th at Post 256 from 12 - 2 PM. All are welcome to join us in celebrating with our special guests.

Empire Girls State
Barbara Saar, Chair

The purpose of Girls (and Boys) State is to awaken in the youth of our nation a sincere conviction that well informed, intelligent, participating citizens are vitally needed to protect and preserve our American Democracy. Girls State is a mythical “51st” state, wherein, through actual participation, the girls share the duties, responsibilities and privileges of American citizenship. Each citizen has an active part in some phase of state, city or county government, thereby
learning that government is just what the citizen makes it. Girls State orientation was at Dundee, with Barbara Saar, Marlene Milton, and Ruth Bundy attending. Our Girls State delegate, Chelsea Vieble, attended with her mother, Christine.
If you have a junior in high school, a son, daughter or grandchild, urge them to investigate the Boys and Girls State program next year. It’s an adventure that is well worth while.

Marie Trumbull, Deb Dekouski & Rose Cornish -Chairs

The “ALA” $500 award was presented to David Zanghi at the Awards Ceremony held at Canandaigua Academy. This year’s “Rose Comella Scholarship” winner
for $1,000 was Nick Sabia.

Marie Trumbull, Chair

We need to continue to pressure Congress about issues of patriotism and those concerning our veterans. Keep informed and keep those letters going to your legislators. Please let me know if you receive a reply from any legislator as Department wants to keep a tally.

In Memory
Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Mildred Mitchell.

SAL Squadron News
from Brian Murphy Squadron Commander

Congratulations to the following Squadron Officers for 2009-10 - Brian Murphy- Squadron Commander, Jim Walsh - 1st Vice Commander, Wayne Inman - Adjutant and Chuck Tomes - Finance Officer. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month. Dues for 2010 can be paid any time after the Department Convention, July 9-11..

Board of Directors
from Terry Dekouski, President

A special thank you to Ron Evans for all his hard work getting the caisson, cannon and grounds looking so good. If you haven’t been in lately, you’ve been missing out on great meals. Not only Friday Fish Fries with a full menu and specials, but also the caterer is serving something different each Wednesday night. Lunches are being served daily during the week with takeouts available.
We’ve consulted with tree expert in regards to the beautiful big Red Birch out front. With some preservation it will hopefully be with us for some more years.
Thanks to all the who have been unselfishly volunteering their time to help see the Post prosper. You know who you are and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

Bar Manager
from Wayne Inman
Kudos to volunteer Ron Evans for all his hard work at the Post. Check out the professional paint jobs on the howitzer and caisson out on the front lawn, along with his other tasks including landscaping. Thank you, Ron.
Also a job well done by Dick Milton, George Cornish and Chuck Pelton for getting the poles for the service flags up as part of the Command Sergeant Major Schutz Memorial. Thanks Guys!
Remember our Cash Bash fund raiser is rapidly approaching. Get your ticket and take advantage of the early bird drawing on August 22nd. See Bob Fredricks or one of the bartenders for tickets.
If you haven’t taken advantage of our daily lunches or Wednesday night dinners along with our weekly Fish Frys, you are missing some of the best cooked meals at very affordable prices. Come in and give Chef Dave and his staff a chance to tickle your taste buds.


The newsletter is published quarterly, with newsletter items due no later than September 25th for the October – December issue, December 26th for the January - March issue, March 26th for the April - June issue and June 25th for the July – September issue.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the editor or columnist, and are not necessarily those of the National, Department, District, County or American Legion Post.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Congratulations to the new officers who take their posts on July 11, 2009:

Commander: Bob Fredericks

1st Vice: Dick Milton

2nd Vice: Irene Madru

3rd Vice: Norma Weissend

Adjutant: Fran Bucher

Finance Officer: Dan Bresnan